Relieving pain and restoring ease of movement.

Repetitive movements, injuries and prolonged exposure to stress can result in habitual tension and chronic pain. Somatic movement is a method that re-establishes conscious awareness and control of your muscles, making it possible to release tension.

Relieve. Restore. Revival.

It’s incredible how much more cognizant I was of how I was sitting, standing, and my posture all day yesterday – played 18 and felt like I could play 9 more holes!
— Hari G.
  • Private Classes

    One-on-one guidance.
    50-minute classes
    (in-person or online)

  • Group Classes

    Experience Somatics with others.
    50-minute classes

  • Upcoming Workshops

    Take more time to explore.
    90+ minute classes

Slow, gentle movements restore your mind-body connection, giving you the ability to consciously relax tight muscles and let go of stress.